Services for companies and organisations
All bachelor’s degrees at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) include a practical training period, varying from one to six months depending on the field of study. Trainees participate in work assignments within the working community, following a pre-agreed plan. They bring up-to-date skills and fresh ideas, often engaging in workplace development challenges and combining their thesis with employer-offered topics. This often leads to successful recruitment after training.
Theses at SeAMK are integral to its research and development activities, involving students, teachers, and industry representatives. With a multidisciplinary approach, the subjects and methods of theses vary across faculties. The goal is to apply academic knowledge to practical tasks in the student’s field, often serving as a bridge to employment.
Student projects
These arise from challenges faced by companies or organisations, with students developing solutions in collaboration with the concerned parties. Projects are closely planned with a supervising lecturer.
Expertise services
This includes planning and implementing personnel training, continuing education for social and health-care professionals, laboratory and testing services for data-based investment decisions, consulting, and training on nutrition by authorised nutritionists, and market research services like customer satisfaction surveys and market potential studies.
Development tools for companies
SeAMK offers various electronic development tools for business development. The tools can help companies and organisations of various size with development, marketing, internationalisation, mergers and acquisitions, managing acquisition process, identifying potential acquisitions, and transferring business. At present, these tools are only available in Finnish and can be found here.

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