Two new international professionals at SeAMK

Internationalisation is a strategic aim of SeAMK. We have about 200 partner universities in 50 different countries all over the world. Active student and academic mobility, RDI projects and international conferences are a vital part of our international activities.

A crucial part of internationalisation is to have internationally experienced staff members. In the beginning of 2020 SeAMK hired two professionals, PhD Pedro Moreno Sánchez and PhD Dario Liberona, as a result of an international call to recruit a RDI specialist in eHealth and a lecturer in business management.

Pedro Moreno Sánchez is specialised in health technologies applying to elderly people. He started studying telecommunications engineering in polytechnical university in Madrid, Spain. After his Bachelor’s Degree he continued to study Master’s Degree and all the way to PhD in telemedicine. Pedro’s dissertation was about applying 4G technologies in elderly care. In Spain, he worked as a researcher in university’s telemedicine department and in a hospital in Getafe, Madrid.

Chilean Dario Liberona is experienced academian and executive in large and medium sized enterprises. He started studying electrical engineering in Santa Maria University and did his MBA in University
of Santiago. After working many years in private sector in international companies, Dario was asked to teach.

“I really liked teaching so I joined PhD programme in Barcelona, Spain, because I knew you need to have PhD if you want to be a professor”, Dario Liberona says.

Both professionals say they have been open for international experience. Pedro Moreno Sánchez tells his job hunt in Scandinavia had led to few interviews in universities in Sweden and Norway as well in Finland in Oulu. But after seeing SeAMK’s ad in LinkedIn and first conversations with Jaakko Hallila (then RDI manager), Pedro was convinced to come to Seinäjoki.

Dario Liberona already knew Anne-Maria Aho, Dean at SeAMK School of Business and Culture. Mäkelä had wrote him a message to ask if he knew anyone to recommend the open position.

“Finland has a really good reputation for it’s educational system and I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to help business students and SeAMK to grow more international”, Dario Liberona says.