ECTS and Diploma Supplement

ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

The purpose of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS is to improve the transparency of education and recognition of credits and grades earned in different countries. The system facilitates the transfer of learning outcomes, exchange programmes, and the creation of double/joint degrees.

ECTS system was developed to facilitate the transfer of credits when students completed studies at foreign institutions of higher education. ECTS is a student-oriented accumulation and transfer system for completed studies and grades. The system is based on a student’s workload, in relation to the objectives to be achieved. The objectives are indicated as learning outcomes and competences.

The ECTS system is described in the ECTS Users’ Guide. The document is available online at

Workload and ECTS Credits

Studies are measured in credit points. One academic year of full-time study is equivalent to 60 credits points. The amount of work includes all the work required of a student, such as lectures, seminars, independent study, projects, preparation for exams, etc. To earn one credit point, a student has to work for an average of 27 hours.

Grading System

In Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences like in other Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, the Finnish grading scale is used:

5 = Excellent
4 and 3 = Good
2 and 1 = Satisfactory
H = Passed
S = Completed

Grades awarded according to other grading systems can be converted in accordance with the principles set out in the ECTS User´s Guide.

Study Guide

SeAMK publishes yearly a Study Guide (course catalogue) with descriptions of degree programmes, study modules and courses, as instructed by the ECTS User’s Guide. The Study Guide also includes information on the SeAMK and general information for students.

ECTS and Student Mobility

Students who wish to participate in student mobility apply according to instructions given by the Schoold and SeAMK International Mobility Services. Once a student has been accepted for the mobility period, she/he has to make a Learning Agreement for Studies/ Learning Agreement for Traineeships and in some cases a separate Agreement on Practical Training. A student also has to discuss the planned study or practical training plan with the School and with the Coordinator at SeAMK International Mobility Services. The Learning Agreement for Studies /Traineeships and the Transcript of Records are sent to the receiving institution/organisation which confirms the plan with their signatures. The Learning Agreement can be modified e.g. in case of a change in the courses offered.

The start date of the mobility period is the first day the participant needs to be present at the receiving organisation (e.g. orientation day, language course). The end date of the period abroad is the last day the participant needs to be present at the receiving institution (e.g. the last exam day). Travel days or other extra days spent in the locality are not calculated as part of the study / traineeship mobility period. The Transcript of Records has to show the completed courses, grades and credits earned. When the student returns from the period abroad, she/he returns a Transcript of Records to the responsible person at the School or to the Coordinator at SeAMK International Mobility Services for the transfer of credits of the studies/practical training completed abroad.

In their bilateral agreements, the higher education institutions have agreed on the language competence required of incoming students in the principal language of their studies or practical training. In case the student’s language skills need improvement, the student can attend language courses provided by the sending or the receiving institution, or utilize the online language training courses of the Erasmus+ programme.

In European mobility implemented within the Erasmus+ programme, students’ language skills are tested with an online tool (OLS) both once the student has been accepted for the studies/practical training abroad, as well as after their period abroad has been completed.

More detailed information about the ECTS system and the related forms can be obtained from SeAMK International Mobility Services.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is a document that provides a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed. The Diploma Supplement, which is based on a European template and issued in English, is attached to the Degree Certificate. It also contains an overview of the educational system in Finland. The purpose of the Diploma Supplement is to enhance transparency and to facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications. All students who complete a degree at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences obtain a Diploma Supplement, which includes Transcript of Records – in the English language and free of charge – automatically on their graduation.

In 2010 and 2013, Seinäjoki UAS was awarded with Diploma Supplement Label for good compliance with the Diploma Supplement practices.