Cancellation terms

General information, Cancellation terms of the Open UAS Studies

Enrolment for open UAS studies is always binding. A client commits to the payment and cancellation terms when enrolling. A student’s right to study is limited in duration and content wise. It can not be transferred to another study entity or –period, or to the next academic year.

Information concerning the students of open university is saved in the student data system of Seinäjoki Universtity of Applied Sciences, see SeAMK Privacy protection.

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences reserves a right to change the information given in the curriculum.

Study fees

  • Individual courses at Seinäjoki Open University of Applied Sciences cost 12€/credit point. Master’s degree level studies cost 15 €/credit point.
  • Study modules are priced per product (12-15 €/credit point).
  • There are no tuition fees.
  • Study fee for POLKU (Pathway) studies is 300€. For Master’s degree POLKU studies the fee is 150€. It is charged in one installment.
    In addition to the actual study fees, studying may cause a customer some other reasonable costs (e.g. educational material)
  • Study fee will be charged separately after the studies have started. If there is a selection procedure before the studies, the fee will be charged only after a student’s selection has been confirmed to the student and they have received the place. In case the client is waitlisted the fee will be charged only after they have received the freed study place.
  • Study fees are collectable.

Cancelling the enrolment for individual courses

Enrolment for individual courses ends ten (10) days before the start of a course in general. The last day for enrolment will be indicated in the course enrolment information.

Enrolment is subject to the payment and cancellation conditions. Study fee must be paid either immediately upon enrolment or by no later than two (2) days after the sending of the payment link. If the study fee is not paid by the due date, the enrolment will be cancelled and the reserved place of study becomes available for re-enrolment. Enrolment is binding when the study fee has been paid. In the event of cancellation or if the student interrupts their studies, the study fees paid will not be refunded.

The right to study at Open University of Applied Sciences is limited in time and content. The right to study cannot be transferred to another course or to the next academic year.

Additional information:

Cancelling the enrolment for extencive study modules

After the enrolment period the registered students will be informed about their acceptance. The accepted students must confirm that they are receiving the student place, after which the enrolment is binding. At the same time, the students are also committing to the payment terms of the studies. If a student does not confirm the receiving of the student place, the enrolment is considered cancelled.

In case cancellation is done after the confirmation, or if a student interrupts their studies, the whole study fee will be charged.

Cancellation can also be done during the enrolment period by using the cancellation function that can be found in the email concerning the confirmation of the enrolment, or by sending an email to This being the case, the study fee will not be charged.

Additional information:

Cancelling the enrolment for Pathway studies

Enrolment for Pathway studies is done for two sequential semesters at a time. The study right is valid for two semesters and it cannot be continued. Cancellation must be done during the enrolment period by using the cancellation function that can be found in the email concerning the confirmation of the enrolment, or by sending an email to This being the case, the study fee will not be charged.

After the enrolment period registered students will be informed about their acceptance. The students must accept the study place with a form provided in the confirmation email. After accepting the study place, the enrolment is binding. At the same time, the students are also committing to the payment terms of the studies. If a student does not accept the student place, the enrolment will be considered cancelled.

In case cancellation takes place after accepting the study place, or if a student interrupts their studies, the study fee will be charged in full.

The right to study cannot be continued or postponed to future semesters.

If during the first Pathway semester, a Pathway student receives a student place as a degree student of SeAMK in the same degree program where they have the Pathway study right, they can apply for a refund of the study fee. Detailed information can be found at SeAMK Intra.

Additional information:

Take a look at SeAMK Open UAS Studies!