Study mobility and practical training abroad
The exchange period abroad provides an opportunity for a real international experience and deeper learning in student´s professional field, but also create an opportunity to network internationally. It is easy to include a study exchange or practical training abroad as part of degree at SeAMK. Annually, more than 150 SeAMK students have an exchange period abroad. Whether you complete a study exchange or practical training abroad, you can choose the destination from SeAMK´s extensive international network.
From SeAMK to the world
It is possible for every SeAMK student to include a short or long study exchange period or practical training abroad in their studies. There are a lot of different options: from a week or two of intensive courses to semester-long exchange periods and the completion of an international double degree. Mobility periods are also supported by various grants.
More detailed information on mobility periods is available from SeAMK’s Coordinator of International Education Services, contact information can be found at the end of the page.
Another degree from abroad
In the degree programmes of Business Management, International Business and Automation Engineering, SeAMK students have the opportunity to complete and international double degree. Double degree studies meant that part of the studies is completed at SeAMK and part at a international partner university of SeAMK. Upon graduation, the student will receive two degrees: one from Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and one from an international double degree partner university.
International partner universities
The international network of nearly 200 higher education institutions provides students with various opportunities to complete mobility periods in about 50 different countries. On the other hand, the students and teachers of the partner universities also bring an international atmosphere to the SeAMK Campus and enable learning internationality at home campus.
More information

Coordinator of International Education Services
Outgoing student exchanges