Internationalisation in studies

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences offers different opportunities to develop international skills, competence and cultural understanding during the degree studies. A good selection of language courses (Finnish, English, German, Swedish, Russian, Spanish) is available and a lot of courses focusing on internationalisation, culture and intercultural communication are also offered to SeAMK students. Study mobility and practical training abroad give an opportunity to deepen the international competence through real-life experience in a foreign country and culture. By including internationality to degree studies, SeAMK students are more competent for global working life after their graduation.

Studies that develop international competence

Opportunities for developing international competence are offered by degree programmes in English, courses taught in a foreign language, courses in language and intercultural communication, and study exchange and practical training abroad. In degree programmes in business mangement, international business, automation engineering and information technology, students can deepen their international competence by completing a double degree.

In addition to international mobility periods, each degree programme at SeAMK includes opportunities for internationalisation at home: experiencing and learning internationality on SeAMK’s own campus.

Studies in English

SeAMK has seven degree programmes and several shorter programmes totally taught in English. Studies in English are available for Finnish and international degree and exchange students.

Degree programmes taught entirely in English:

In addition, programmes for exchange students and some other study modules are offered in English in all SeAMK educational fields:

  • Finnish-taught study modules that have visiting lecturers teaching in English
  • Various incoming intensive courses where Finnish students study together with students and teachers from SeAMK’s partner universities
  • Blended Mobility -type studies that include international study module that is carried out virtually and a short intensive course abroad

More information on language, culture and communication studies, study and internship exchanges abroad and dual degrees can be found at the links below.


Internationalisation at Home

Internationalisation at Home means experiencing and learning internationalisation in your own home university.

Language and cultural studies as well courses taught in English are part of Internationalisation at Home activities. In addition, to name a few other options, being a tutor to international students, participating in international projects or working as an assistant in seminars or conferences are ways of Internationalisation at Home which facilitate SeAMK students to get international experience and contacts as well as offer opportunities to practice language skills in real-life situations.