Exchange programmes

Welcome to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SeAMK — where possibilities abound! Immerse yourself in transformative exchange opportunities within an international academic setting, boasting diverse programs, enriching experiences, and a supportive community. Whether you’re embarking on Bachelor and Master-level programs or exploring unique Double Degree opportunities crafted for students from our partner institutions, SeAMK invites you to shape a future rich in knowledge, innovation, and global perspectives. Your educational journey begins here!

Exchange study programmes

Bachelor - level exchange programmes 

Explore a variety of Bachelor exchange programmes at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SeAMK, in seven different fields. Enrich your academic journey by adding the unique perspectives that a period of mobility can provide.

Autumn semester

August – December

September  – December

Spring semester

January – April

 February – May


Master-level exchange programme

Join Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SeAMK’s Master level exchange programme for specialised training in International Business Management. Gain the ability to make independent decisions and prepare for leadership roles in global markets. Or learn entrepreneurship skills on a deeper level!

September  – December

January – May

Double degree programmes

Are you a student at one of SeAMK’s double degree partner universities?
Seize the opportunity to enhance your skill set and prepare for a future international career through our Double Degree Programme!

Intensive courses

Please contact for more information  incoming (a)

General timetable for the exchange programmes

The mobility period begins with orientation days each semester. For traineeship mobilities, the start is discussed on a case-by-case basis to best suit the placement. Exams occur within the period without separate exam weeks. The mobility period ends with an end-of-semester ceremony at which students receive a “Letter of Confirmation”.

Application information

To initiate the process, get in touch with the International Coordinator or the International Office at your home institution. They will guide you on the application procedure for exchange or double degree studies and will establish contact with SeAMK on your behalf. More information: How to Apply?

Want to know more?

Contact the Coordinator for incoming exchange students at SeAMK International Education Services: incoming (a)


Additional information