Eligibility criteria for Master double degree students

Admission criteria

You can apply in this application,  if you are a student of SeAMK’s double degree partner university and the agreement is in force.

Eligibility criteria, master studies

You can apply to the Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Management, if you are a student of SeAMK’s double degree partner university and the contract is in force and you have:

  1. a higher education degree completed in Finland or outside Finland AND
  2. at least two years (24 months) of certain work experience after completing the higher education degree. If you have a higher education degree completed outside Finland, the work experience needs to be in the field of business and administration. You can count in the work experience until the end of application period (15 May / 15 November). Please notice that exceptionally during autumn 2024 application process you can count in the work experience until 31 December 2024.

Required work experience

  • You need to have at least two years (24 months) of certain work experience after completing the higher education degree.
  • If you have a higher education degree completed outside Finland, the work experience needs to be in the field of business and administration.
  • If you have a higher education degree completed in Finland, the work experience can be from the same field as the completed degree or from the field of business and administration. Applicants who have completed “opisto- tai ammatillisen korkea-asteen tutkinto” in Finland before the completion of their higher education degree, may also take into account the work experience gained before the higher education degree.
  • You can only count in work experience on which you can present the employer’s work certificate. The certificate must include the specific starting and ending date of the employment relationship, the employer’s contact information, the duties and in terms of part-time work, the working hours. If the employment relationship still continues, request a temporary work certificate from the employer.
  • Entrepreneurship is approved as work experience if you have a certificate on having or having had a self-employed person’s pension insurance (YEL, MYEL). Foreign entrepreneurship is proved with equivalent official documents.
  • Military service, non-military service, women’s voluntary military service or unpaid maternity leave are not approved as work experience.
  • Applicants should convert part-time work into full-time equivalents such that 150 hours or 20 working days lasting at least 7 hours per day correspond to one month of work. Work experience does not have to be continuous or obtained working for the same employer. Parallel employment relationships can only be considered for an amount which is equivalent to full-time work.
  • You can calculate the number of your full-time months of work experience yourself or use free calculators available online, for example timeanddate.com.

If the documents are written in another language than Finnish, Swedish or English, the applicant shall, in addition to the documents in the original language, upload translations of the documents to the application form. Authorised translations in Finnish, Swedish or English must include the name, signature and the stamp of the translator.


Further information

SEAMK Admission Services



+358 (0)20 124 5208