Double degree programmes


Sharpen your skillset ready for the future international career!
If you are a registered student at SeAMK or in a double degree partner university of SeAMK – this is an opportunity for you!

What is double degree?

A double degree allows you to pursue two bachelor or two master degree programmes at the same time. Graduates of the programme will receive a bachelor or  a master  degree certificate from SeAMK and the partner institution – altogether two national certificates!

SeAMK has 15 double degree agreements with higher education institutions in the following countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Spain. See the list of all double degree partner institutions at the bottom of this page.

Benefits of studying double degree

    • Get the bachelor or master certificate from two institutions.
    • Gain  a truly international education
    • Acquire professional expertise and intercultural competence – the two key qualifications of future employees working in a globalised world.
    • Gain valuable multicultural experience abroad and develop professional English skills
    • Learn about international business or engineering from different viewpoints
    • Become familiar with the language and culture of the host country

Ask more about double degrees: doubledegree(a)

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Double Degree Studies for SeAMK Students

SeAMK’s bachelor level students in Business Management, International Business, Information Technology and Automation Engineering have the opportunity to obtain a double degree. The double degree at Master level is for students of International Business Management.

SeAMK students who are interested in a double degree must first discuss the matter with the Head of Programme and the Study Councellor . After that, students can contact SeAMK International Education Services for further information about the double degree requirements, partner universities and the application process.

More information contact: doubledegree(a)

Bachelor double degree studies at SeAMK

The  bachelor double degree programme requires a student to study one academic year at the double degree partner institution. The structure of curricula and the content of teaching  have been compared between the two institutions and the academic achievements are acknowledged to agreed extent. The courses a student needs to complete  are defined in a personal study plan called Learning Agreement.

The  double degree includes a five months international practical training . The bachelor thesis has to be written in English, under  the supervision of  academic staff from the two collaborating institutions. It is evaluated by the supervisor from the home institution and the co-evaluator from the host institution.

The bachelor double degree studies include:

  • Approximately 60 ECTS of the courses  are studied at the double degree partner institution
  • International practical training.
  • Bachelor thesis written in English
  • Maturity test or equivalent as defined in a double degree agreement.

Master double degree studies at SeAMK

A Master’s level double degree program is an advanced academic initiative that allows students to earn two distinct Master’s degrees from two different universities one from Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and other from double degree partner university.

This unique programme is designed to provide students with a broad and diverse educational experience, often exposing them to different academic cultures, teaching methods and research perspectives. Courses are delivered primarily on the campus of the host institutions as a key aspect of a Master’s level double degree programme is the global perspective it provides, allowing students to broaden their cultural understanding and academic horizons.

The structure of a Master’s level double degree program involves a combination of coursework and research. Students spend a portion of their academic tenure at each participating institution, immersing themselves in the academic and cultural environments of both.

Admission Criteria:

Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in the field of international business management, along with a minimum of two years of full-time work experience gained post-completion of the BBA degree and prior to enrollment in a master’s program.

The bachelor double degree studies include:

  • Majority of the courses are studied on host insitution campus
  • Master´s  thesis written in English, according to instructions from host instituion. A responsible supervisor  of master´s thesis is a member from the host insitution. The submission, evaluation and defences of thesis have to meet the requirments of both instituions.

For More Information