Future vehicle technologies

The research group for future vehicle technologies focuses on ensuring South Ostrobothnian know-how in the ongoing vehicle technology revolution. In addition, the goal is for SeAMK to grow into one of the leading players in the field of intelligent outdoor robotics and cobotics. Regarding both perspectives, the teaching technology and learning of the subject area are also at the center of our research.

Research areas

  • Revolution in Vehicle Technology (on-road & off-road)
    • Energy Sources and Powertrain Solutions for Vehicles
    • Digitalisation in Vehicles and Their Maintenance Systems
    • Automation Solutions for Driving
  • Technology of Mobile Work Machines
    • Smart Outdoor Robotics/Cobotics
    • Functional Safety
  • Circular Economy in Vehicle Technology
  • Vehicle Technology Education, Including Pedagogy and Educational Technologies

Ongoing projects


In the Mechanical Engineering degree program at SeAMK, within the specialisation in Automotive and Work Machine Technology, there are approximately 100 students enrolled in total.

There is a strong student-centered tradition, with the following completed annually:

  • Approximately 20 thesis projects by automotive engineering students
  • Approximately 20 project courses in companies (12 ECTS/each course)
  • Approximately 10-15 project workshop projects