Food technology and food safety

Finnish food is produced in a clean environment. In our research group, we promote high-quality and safe food production in collaboration with companies and other stakeholders. We develop and innovate various aspects of sustainable and responsible food production, ensuring that food products better meet consumer expectations.

Our research areas

  • Food technology and automation processes
  • Food safety in the food system
  • Product development and consumer behaviour
  • Packaging technology
  • Waste management

Examples of projects

For all projects, see our Project Database.

For detailed search, use project state: Running (or ended) and focus area: Sustainable Food Solutions.


Junkkari, T., Kantola, M., Arjanne, L., Luomala, H., & Hopia, A. (2024). The effect of nutrition labels on lunch buffet consumption: A real-life experiment. British Food Journal, 126(13), 18–39.

Alakomi, H.-L., Salo, S., Tsitko, I., & Wirtanen, G. (2024). Management of biofilm risk. In P. Sadhukhan & R. Rajeswari (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Safety (2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 312-319). Elsevier Inc.

Närvä, M., Alarinta, J., & Wirtanen, G. (2024). Comparison of generated food waste and food packages in households with university students. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 25(9), 128-136.

Haapala, L., Närvä, M., & Wirtanen, G. (2024). Enhancing the level of food hygiene in cobots: Joint cover considerations. Renhetsteknik, 53(2), 8-10.

Laitila, T., Kumpulainen, J., Kauppila, N., & Wirtanen, G. (2023). Educational material for processing of meat sausage and a vegan analogue. In A. Dalle Zotte, A. Brugiapaglia, & M. Cullere (Eds.), Proceedings of the 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology: From Tradition to Green Innovation (pp. 768-769). Padova, Italy.

Alarinta, J., Närvä, M., & Wirtanen, G. (2023). Recycling of plastic food packages: A case study with Finnish university students. Recycling, 8(1), 1-10.

Junkkari, T., Arjanne, L., Mattila, S., Paakki, M., Kantola, M., Luomala, H., & Hopia, A. (2023). Simple ways to improve nutrient content and health profile in different types of catering products. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.

Müller, C., Alarinta, J., Frahm, B., & Wirtanen, G. (2023). Microbial spoilage in vegan foods. In D. Komes, S. Vidaček Filipec, & B. Voučko (Eds.), 10th Congress of food technologists, biotechnologists and nutritionists (pp. 64–67). Zagreb, Croatia. ISSN 2975–7118.

Närvä, M., Alarinta, J., & Wirtanen, G. (2023). Needs to change behaviour in households producing lots of food waste. International Journal of Food Studies, 12(1), 29-41.

Wirtanen, G., Haapala, S., Korkiamäki, S., Samppala, P., & Närvä, M. (2023). Food safety of cobots. Renhetsteknik, 52(2), 5–10.

Paakki, M., Kantola, M., Junkkari, T., Arjanne, L., Luomala, H., & Hopia, A. (2022). “Unhealthy = tasty”: How does it affect consumers’ (un)healthy food expectations? Foods, 11(19), 3139.

Wirtanen, G., Kakko, L., Karvonen, M., & Saarikoski, S. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 51st Symposium on Cleanroom Technology and Contamination Control. Publications of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences B. Reports 174. ISBN 978-952-7317-84-6 (PDF) & ISBN 978-952-7317-85-3 (USB memory).

Fasse, S., Alarinta, J., Frahm, B., & Wirtanen, G. (2021). Bovine colostrum for human consumption: Improving microbial quality and maintaining bioactive characteristics through processing. Dairy, 2(4), 556-575.

Pastell, H., Mellberg, S., Ritvanen, T., Raatikainen, M., Mykkänen, S., Niemi, J., Latomäki, I., & Wirtanen, G. (2021). How does locally produced feed affect the chemical composition of reared house crickets (Acheta domesticus)? CS Food Science & Technology, 1(4), 625–635.