SeAMK Space enrolment system's privacy statement

Articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Data Protection Act (1050/2018)

Articles 13 and 14 of the Combined Data Subject Information Document (EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679).

1. Controller

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Kampusranta 11, Frami F
FI-60320 Seinäjoki, Finland
tel. +358 20 124 3000

2. Controller’s representative

Johanna Säilä-Jokinen, Administrative Director
tel. +358 40 570 8723

2a. Official responsible for the personal data file

Annika Pöytälaakso, Manager of Continuous Learning
tel. +358 40 830 0348

2b. Contact persons in matters relating to the data file

Karoliina Kohtamäki, Coordinator, Student Services
tel. +358 40 830 0443

Outi Rinta-Homi, Coordinator, Continuous Learning
tel. +358 50 401 0027

2c. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Jarmo Jaskari, Data Protection Officer, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
tel. +358 40 868 0680

3. Name of the data file

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences SeAMK Space enrolment system.

4. Purpose of processing personal data/data file use

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences’ SeAMK Space enrolment system is used for enrolment in SeAMK’s continuing learning studies. For accepted enrolments, personal data is transferred to the student data in the Peppi student register.

5. Purpose of maintaining the data file

Fulfilling a legal obligation in the teaching activities of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. A legitimate interest regarding SeAMK staff.

The information in the register is maintained to safeguard the rights and interests of the student. The use of the register is based on the legislation governing the University of Applied Sciences.

  • Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014)
  • Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakouluista (1129/2014)
  • Laki opiskelijavalintarekisteristä, korkeakoulujen valtakunnallisesta tietovarannosta ja ylioppilas- tutkintorekisteristä (1058/1998)
  • Valtioneuvoston asetus korkeakoulujen yhteishausta (293/2014)
  • Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003)
  • Hallintolainkäyttölaki (586/1996)
  • Tietosuojalaki (1050/2018)
  • Act of the Publicity of Official Documents (621/1999)
  • Julkisuusasetus (A1030/1999)
  • Laki yksityisyyden suojasta työelämässä (L477/2001)
  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679)
  • Tilastolaki (L280/2004)
  • Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun tutkintosääntö ja opiskeluoikeusohje

5a. Data content of the file

The following information is collected in the register:

  • Personal data (surname, forenames, given names, nicknames, social security number, date of birth, nationality, gender, mother tongue)
  • Contact information (e-mail, telephone number, street address, postal code, postal town, municipality, country of residence, school of origin)
  • Direct marketing authorisation for educational marketing by SeAMK by email

5b. Information systems using the data file

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences SeAMK Space -enrolment system is used for enrolment in SeAMK’s continuing learning studies. For accepted enrolments, personal data is transferred to the student data in the Peppi student register.

6. Regular sources of data

Information and any documents provided by the participant, customer information system and billing database.

7. Regular disclosure of data

For accepted enrolments, personal data is transferred to the student data in the Peppi student register.

Education marketing: Information sent by SeAMK by email about the education opportunities.

8. Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

The data will not be transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area.

9. Principles of data file protection

Persons processing personal data are bound by a duty of confidentiality.

A.      Manual material


B.      Computer-processed data

Access to data requires sufficient rights, as well as multifactor authentication. Unauthorised access is also prevented by firewalls and technical protection. Only the controller and specifically designated technical staff have access to the register data. Only the designated persons have the right to process and maintain the data in the register. Users are bound by confidentiality. The register data are backed up securely and can be restored if necessary. The level of security is audited at regular intervals, either through external or internal audits.

The SeAMK Space enrolment system of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences is a service from Eduix Oy used by Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy. A service agreement has been concluded with the service provider, which defines the technical and organisational security measures and the principles of processing personal data. The persons processing the data are bound by confidentiality. The confidentiality obligation continues after the end of the service relationship. Access to the systems shall be restricted to those persons who need to process the data in the course of their duties. Within the system, rights are limited where necessary.