Plagiarism detection system's privacy statement

Articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation
Data Protection Act (1050/2018)
Articles 13 and 14 of the Combined Data Subject Information Document (EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679)

1. Controller

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SeAMK Library
Kampusranta 11, Frami F
FI-60320 Seinäjoki, Finland
+358 20 124 3000

2. Controller’s representative

Johanna Säilä-Jokinen, Director of Administration, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

2a. Official responsible for the personal data file

Jarkko Meronen, Planning Officer, Library Services, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
tel. +358 40 8304250

2b. Contact persons in matters relating to the data file

Jarkko Meronen, Planning Officer, Library Services, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
tel. +358 40 8304250

2c. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Jarmo Jaskari, Data Protection Officer, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
tel. +358 40 868 0680

3. Name of the data file

Plagiarism detection system

4. Purpose of processing personal data/data file use

On the basis of Article 6 (1) of the General Data Protection Regulation, personal data are processed as follows

  • a task carried out in the public interest/exercise of official authority vested in the controller (GDPR, Article 6.1(e))

5. Personal data to be collected, their purpose and processing

5a. Data content of the register

Personal data:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Organisation
  • Information content entered into the system by users,
  • ID number assigned to the user by the service
  • IP address

5b. Need to use personal data

Enabling the storage and evaluation of documents related to teaching and research at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, checking the originality of the stored text by comparing it with the reference materials contained in the service, and archiving the returned document in the services reference database of student work with the users permission.

5c. Processing of personal data

Personal data is not used for automated decision-making or profiling.

The service is integrated with the user management of the SeAMK e-learning environment and MS Teams, Theses related to the studies are stored in the SeAMK database for the time being.

6. Regular sources of data

Sources of information include:

  • The e-learning platform
  • MS Teams
  • Usergenerated data content in the system
  • User activity in the environment

7. Regular disclosure of data

The analysis report can be linked to the course activities in the e-learning platform.
The teacher can configure the settings of the eLearning platform activity so that the analysis report is available to the student.

The student must always be given the opportunity to consult the system report on his/her thesis.

Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties.

8. Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

Data from the Service may be transferred to the United States with the protection of data under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, which complies with the European Commission’s July 10, 2023 decision on the adequacy of data protection in the United States. Under the Adequacy Decision, personal data may be transferred to certified U.S. companies that have committed to the safeguards agreed to in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

The cloud service included in Seinäjoki ammattikorkeakoulu’s customer license is located in Frankfurt, Germany, within the EU.

9. Principles of data file protection

A.      Manual material

No manual materials.

B.      Computer-processed data

The system is used and protected in accordance with the information security principles of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. A list of access rights is available as a printable report from the system. Note! The list is available for those with teacher rights, but not for students.

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