Opin.fi combines open Finnish higher education studies - be among the first to try out the new service
Opin.fi is a new kind of service shared by Finnish higher education institutions. It was created for everyone who wants access to open higher education studies. Development of the service began in 2022, and its first version can now be tried out by anyone also interested in our studies. SeAMK is part of the developer group of the first eight higher education institutions.
Future working life will require increasingly extensive competence, for which the open studies of higher education institutions offer an effective means of acquiring it. With the Opin.fi service, the open studies of Finnish higher education institutions will be found in one place. This makes it easy to find studies that interest you and it is easy to register.
Opin.fi is intended for anyone interested in studies at an Open University
In the Opin.fi service, anyone interested in Open University studies can familiarise themselves with the study contents. The educational offering in the Beta phase of the service is still limited, as only eight higher education institutions are involved.
However, you can already find studies in the following subject areas: renewing working life and competence, new technologies, sustainable development and growth, and education and learning. Open studies can be taken both on-site and remotely, and they include lecture series, podcasts, online courses or webinars.
The educational offering of the Opin.fi service will expand as other higher education institutions join. In the future, it will be easy for learners to familiarise themselves with and compare Finnish higher education institution studies in a single service. You can also create an Opin.fi account and view information on your own prior study attainments, attendance and right to study in Finnish higher education.
By trying the Opin.fi service, you can help develop it
Opin.fi is open to users for the first time, but its development is still ongoing. Based on valuable feedback gained from beta users, the development of the service will continue.
You can try the Opin.fi service at www.beta.opin.fi by entering the password opinbeta. Your use of the service now will affect its final version. Thank you for spending a moment of your time to use the service of the future!
Higher education institutions will phase in the Opin.fi service. Eight higher education institutions are participating in the first phase: Aalto University, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Häme University of Applied Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, University of Lapland, Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. Next spring, use of the service will expand to almost all other Finnish higher education institutions, and by autumn 2025 at the latest, the open educational offering of all Finnish higher education institutions will be available in the Opin.fi service.
Opin.fi – Open for learning.