Numerous top rankings for SeAMK in the national Career Monitoring Survey

category: About us

The recent results of the national Career Monitoring Survey from the fall 2022 confirm that those who have completed a bachelor’s degree at SeAMK are very satisfied with the education they received and the working life skills offered by the education. They are also satisfied with their career so far.

When measuring satisfaction with the education, SeAMK achieved first place in terms of bachelor’s degree education in a comparison of 22 universities of applied sciences. In questions about the development of competence, the graduates of SeAMK assessed that their studies had excellently promoted (ranked in the top three) skills and capabilities in the following areas: Key terms, methods and principles of the field (1st), leadership and management skills, development skills, ability to analyse and draw conclusions (1st), the ability to learn and absorb new things (1st), business knowledge, initiative and self-direction, problem solving skills, information acquisition skills, information and communication technology skills, research method knowledge (1st) and entrepreneurship skills.

SeAMK also can be pleased with regard to the master’s degrees, because in terms of satisfaction with education, SeAMK has risen 13 places in two years and now has the fifth highest score.

“The results nicely reflect the results of the nationwide graduation feedback survey, in which graduating students have rated SeAMK twice in a row as the best university of applied sciences in Finland. Satisfaction with SeAMK’s studies also results in successful careers and nicely underlines the quality of the education offered by SeAMK,” says Heikki Rasku, Faculty Dean of SeAMK.

“We can be proud of the fact that satisfaction with our education is based on the knowledge and skillful basis acquired during the education. According to the results, our education has promoted a wide range of different working life skills, both in terms of knowledge management, management and development skills, and entrepreneurial skills,” adds Tuija Vasikkaniemi, Faculty Dean of SeAMK.

Career Monitoring Survey at the universities of applied sciences is carried out for those who have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree five years earlier. The purpose of the survey is to find out the graduates’ careers, the labor market situation and their satisfaction with the degree they completed. The survey was now carried out for the fifth time, and it was answered by those who graduated in 2017. There were 393 respondents to the survey who graduated from SeAMK.

Yleisesti ottaen AMK-tutkinnon suorittaneet ovat tyytyväisiä tutkintoonsa. Valtakunnallisen kyselyn kaikista vastaajista 85 prosenttia kertoo olevansa tyytyväisiä suorittamaansa AMK-tutkintoon. Myös ylemmän AMK-tutkinnon suorittaneista vastaajista tyytyväisiä on 87 prosenttia, mikä on kaksi prosenttiyksikköä edellistä vuotta enemmän. 

In general, graduates of bachelor’s degree are satisfied with their degree. 85 percent of all respondents to the national survey say they are satisfied with the bachelor’s degree they have completed. 87 percent of the respondents who have completed a master’s degree are also satisfied, which is two percentage points more than the previous year.

Information source for the Career Monitoring Survey: Education Statistics Finland (

Further information about the survey

Vesa Vuolio, Quality Manager
tel: +358 40 830 4252