Key partners gather at SeAMK

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SeAMK cooperates actively and systematically on many different levels with companies and organisations. The deepest form of cooperation is the key partnership activity, where SeAMK works in wide-ranging cooperation with a key partner company or community.

The goal of key partner cooperation is to benefit both the partner company or organisation and SeAMK. The company benefits from getting answers to its current development areas or future needs. Students benefit by learning the competencies needed by the business world. The entire SeAMK also benefits from the up-to-date working life information received from key partners. Through cooperation, students’ studies also progress and SeAMK’s operations develop.

SeAMK currently has 17 key partner companies or organisations, whose representatives were gathered at SeAMK on Tuesday, 16 August 2022. During the Covid-19 pandemic, joint face-to-face meetings with key partner companies have not been organised. Now more than two years later, it was a great pleasure to be able to meet key partners on campus.

At the event, information was given about SeAMK’s amazing start to the year, the growth in international activities and research, development and innovation (RDI) and the prospects for the beginning of the new academic year. The focus of the event was the presentation of the SeAMK Master School concept, which was explained by Anne-Maria Aho, who is responsible for the Master School. SeAMK Master School refers to higher degrees (in Finnish ylempi AMK-tutkinto, also known as YAMK), which can be completed at SeAMK in all six fields of education. The master’s degrees of universities of applied sciences have their 20th anniversary this year. Tytti Riihiluoma from Valio, who completed the master’s degree in business administration, shared her own experiences about studying at SeAMK. Key partners also had the opportunity to discuss.