Hilkka Anttila from Sodexo restaurant in Kampustalo won the valued PRO award of the Finnish professional kitchens and restaurants industry

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Nainen mustassa iltapuvussa palkintopokaali kädessään gaalatilaisuuden lavalla.
Hilkka Anttila voitti ammattikeittiöiden työntekijöiden PRO-palkinnon Helsingissä järjestetyssä gaalassa.

Hilkka Anttila from Sodexo restaurant in Kampustalo has won the valued PRO award of the Finnish professional kitchens and restaurants industry. The winners were announced on Wednesday in a beautiful gala in Helsinki. Our warmest congratulations, Hilkka!

Earlier in December she was named among the three finalists. Description of her was something we at SeAMK could really relate to: “Hilkka Anttila loves her job and thinks the best part of it is working with the clients. She strongly feels that she is working in the right profession and obviously enjoys it.”

News (in Finnish) and photos of the gala night can be found onthe Avec Media website.