SeAMK International Days 2025


SeAMK invites teacher and staff members from international partner universities to join International Days in February 2025.

Progamme includes joint programme for all participants on 11-12 February 2025 and
teaching visits and meetings according to personal schedule on 10 and 13-14 February 2025.

The programme on Tuesday and Wednesday is free of charge for the teachers and staff members of partner universities of SeAMK, including lunches and the social programme mentioned in the programme. The participants take care of their own accommodation and transportation costs, as well as other possible costs. Participants are recommended to find out from their home universities about the possibility of using Erasmus+ funding for participation.


Registration period has ended. In matters relating to registration or cancellation please contact us at internationaldays(a)

Upon registered to SeAMK International Days, each participant has received a confirmation of registration, including the sessions/social programme events registered for. Also, the guests have been contacted separately regarding possible teaching schedule and/or individual meetings.

Preliminary programme

Monday, 10 February

Teaching visits and meetings according to personal plan.
Depending on the individual programme, guests might have teaching and/or meetings already on Monday. Those might take place in Kampustalo (Kalevankatu 35) or Frami A (Kampusranta 9) or Frami F (Kampusranta 11). See the map in the end of this page: Location and arrival |

Tuesday, 11 February

09.00 Registration. Coffee/tea available.
Frami F building
, lobby, address: Kampusranta 11.
Please see the campus map in the end of this page: Location and arrival |

09.30 Welcome words and practical information
Frami F128, yellow auditorium

Ms Marjo Arola, Head of SeAMK International Education Services

09.40 Internationalisation as part of SeAMK’s strategy and operations
Frami F128, yellow auditorium

Dr Jaakko Hallilla, President/CEO, SeAMK
Hallila presentation slides (pdf)

10.00 Break

10.15 Parallel sessions (guests have chosen one of the following during registration)
1) Digital Factory – Industrial AI
Frami F110, blue auditorium

Mr Toni Luomanmäki, Senior Lecturer, Digitalization and Smart Technologies, Mr Teemu Virtanen, Project Manager, Digitalization and Smart Technologies, and Mr Hannu Hakalahti, RDI expert, Digitalization and Smart Technologies
Luomanmäki presentation slides (pdf)
2) How to Promote Incoming and Outgoing Long-term Mobilities?
Frami F213, classroom.

Ms Tiina Välimäki and Ms Maria Loukola, Coordinators, SeAMK International Education Services and Ms Riikka Ruhberg, Student, SeAMK Degree Programme in Food Processing and Biotechnology
Välimäki, Loukola and Ruhberg presentation slides (pdf)
3) Bridging Cultures and Minds
Frami F128, yellow auditorium.

Dr Andreas Hövener, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

11.15  Break

11.30 Keynote speech: What do we mean by teaching and learning? Considerations from an intercultural perspective.
Frami F128, yellow auditorium.

Dr Doris Fetscher, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany. Fetscher presentation slides (pdf)

12.15 Lunch, Restaurant Raitti, Frami B

13.30 A few highlights from SeAMK’s RDI activities.
Frami F128, yellow auditorium.

– From International Sustainability Targets to Regional Project Activities at SeAMK, Dr Kari Laasasenaho, RDI senior expert, Sustainable Food Solutions, SeAMK Laasasenaho presentation slides (pdf)
– Discover and Dream: Appreciating Women Entrepreneurs’ Innovation, Dr Emilia Kangas​, Principal lecturer, Entrepreneurship and Growth, SeAMK
– Inclusion in the digital society, Dr Merja Hoffrén-Mikkola, Principal lecturer, SeAMK and Dr Katja Valkama, Principal lecturer, Wellbeing and Creativity, SeAMK Hoffrén-Mikkola and Valkama presentation slides (pdf)

14.30 Visit to the SeAMK laboratories and learning environments.
Starting point from Frami F lobby area / INFO desk, assistants will guide guests to visit sites. Registration required. Choose one of the following:
1) Culture Studio
2) Food Labs
3) Technology Labs: 1. XR and Robotics or 2. Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Construction Engineering.
4) Wellbeing Labs
5) Y-Zone (entrepreneurship-related services and activities)

17.30 Bus transportation to Hangout Evening
leaves from Hotel Alma (Ruukintie 4) to Kalajärvi, Peräseinäjoki.
Kalajärvi is located about 40 kilometers from the city center of Seinäjoki. Bus back to Seinäjoki leaves from Kalajärvi at around 20.30.
In case you participate in this sauna & hangout evening, please take your swimming equipment (i.e., your bathing suit and a towel, in addition to your personal necessities) with you. At the sauna, there are separate dressing rooms, showers and saunas for men and women. A light evening snack will be offered after the sauna in the Vankkuritupa building.

Wednesday, 12 February

09.00 European Universities –  Ambitious Collaboration.
Frami F128, yellow auditorium.

Dr Anne-Maria Aho, Faculty Dean, Technology and Business, SeAMK, and Ms Marjo Arola, Head of SeAMK International Education Services Aho and Arola presentation slides (pdf)

10.00 Break. Coffee/tea available.

10.30 Parallel workshops/sessions. (Guests have chosen one of the following during registration.)
1) European University Alliances 
Frami F211, classroom
Dr Anne-Maria Aho, Faculty Dean, Technology and Business, SeAMK, and Ms Marjo Arola, Head of SeAMK International Education Services
2) Pedagogical Workshop
Frami F213, classroom
– Design Thinking. Ms Jaana Liukkonen, Senior lecturer, SeAMK Cultural Management, SeAMK Innovation Week Pedagogical Coordinator​ Liukkonen presentation slides (pdf)
– Teaching Methods in Mathematics, Mr Juhani Paananen, Senior Lecturer, SeAMK Construction Engineering Paananen presentation slides (pdf)
– Project Based Learning in Mechanical Engineering at SeAMK​. Mr Kimmo Kitinoja, Senior lecturer, SeAMK Mechanical Engineering​ Kitinoja presentation slides (pdf)
3) Reflective Practice-based Learning (RPL)
Frami F144, Glass Palace
Dr Anna Marie Larssen, Senior Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Education & The Research Centre for Health and Applied Technology, and Dr Daniel Ramskov Jørgensen, University College of Northern Denmark (UCN), Denmark.

12.00 Lunch, Restaurant Raitti, Frami B

13.15 Assistants will guide the guests to the networking coffees.
Meeting point is in a lobby of Frami B, next to lunch restaurant.

13.30-14.30 Networking coffees organized by SeAMK Degree Programmes

  • Business programmes, Cultural Management, Library and Information Services, language teachers: Frami F building, 3rd floor, Coffee room F333
  • Automation Engineering, Construction Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering: Frami A building, 3rd floor, meeting room A310.7
  • Agriculture, Food Processing and Biotechnology, Hospitality Management: Frami A building, 5th floor, Coffee room A503
  • Elderly Care, Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Physiotherapy, Social Work: Kampustalo, part C, 2nd floor, room C2047
  • RDI staff, International office staff etc. can choose networking coffee place according to their preferences.

14.30 Break

14.45 Parallel sessions (about 1h). (Guests have chosen one of the following during registration.)
1) Future Vehicle Technologies. Frami F110, blue auditorium.
Dr Pasi Junell, Principal lecturer, SeAMK Mechanical Engineering and Mr Heikki Järvi, Senior lecturer, SeAMK Mechanical Engineering.
Junell and Järvi presentation slides (pdf)
2) Double Degree and Joint Programme Collaboration. Frami F128, yellow auditorium.
Dr Anne-Maria Aho, Faculty Dean, Technology and Business, SeAMK, and Ms Marjo Arola, Head of SeAMK International Education Services
3) The Future of Co-creation – RDI Partnership Model Project. Frami F144, Glass Palace.
Dr Elisa Kannasto, Master School Expert, Dr Taru Mäki, Impact Expert, and Dr Seliina Päällysaho, Project Manager, SeAMK.
Kannasto, Mäki and Päällysaho presentation slides (pdf)

18.00 Aalto Center tour in city of Seinäjoki (registration required).
Starting point in front of Seinäjoki City Hall, address: Kirkkokatu 6.

19.00 Seinäjoki City Reception (registration required).
Seinäjoki City Hall, address: Kirkkokatu 6.
There is no official dress code, smart casual is ok.
Light food available: salad and pie.


Thursday and Friday, 13-14 February

Teaching visits and meetings according to personal plan.

SeAMK hosts E-Gaming Symposium 13 – 14 February 2025.
Participants of SeAMK International Days are also welcome.
More information and registration form: ​​E-Gaming Symposium 2025 |

Travelling and accommodation

SeAMK has negotiated contract prices with following hotels in Seinäjoki 

Hotel Alma
Single room 105€ / night
Double room 129€ / night
Room for three 149€ / night 

Price includes breakfast and use of sauna.
Bookings with code: SEAMKID2025 

Sokos Hotel Vaakuna
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Seinäjoki | Hotels Seinäjoki – 

Single room 134€ / night (includes breakfast)
Double room 156€ / night (includes breakfast)
Bookings by 27 January 2025 with code: BSEAMKID2025 

Scandic Seinäjoki
Book your room with a code: CGRO. The booking code is based on the price of the day, i.e. the code gives you a percentage discount on the price of the day and even cheaper if the reservation is paid in advance. 

Find other hotel options and read more about location and arrival to Seinäjoki and SeAMK from the link: Location and Arrival | SeAMK  

More information about Seinäjoki: and Visit Seinäjoki – A City of Events – Visit Seinäjoki 


Further information: internationaldays(a)