Decisions due to the coronavirus pandemic for summer and autumn 2020 - Partial opening of the campus to students and decisions on student mobility in fall 2020

category: General

SeAMK’s Security Management Team has decided on two entities at its meeting on May 19th: the partial opening of the campus to students and the international mobility during the summer and autumn of 2020. This internal release discusses related activities and schedules.

Please remember, that you are not allowed to come to campus if you have flu symptoms or you are ill. Good hand hygiene must be maintained, as well as instructions for sneezing and blowing a nose.

1. SeAMK’s controlled “Corona Exit” – Partial opening of the campus to students

Distance learning at SeAMK will continue until May 31, 2020, but restrictions related to the use of facilities will be gradually lifted in a controlled manner. Changes are still possible if the situation requires.

Opening of EXAM-room in Frami A on Monday, May 25, 2020

EXAM-room in Frami A will be opened to students on Monday, May 25, 2020. Students can book an examination for two machines from May 20 onwards. The EXAM-room has already been in use in Kampustalo.

Opening hours and exam practicalities are the same as in the EXAM-room in Kampustalo (opening hours: Monday 10.00–18.00, Tuesday–Friday 8.00–18.00).

Students can access Frami A via door A1 and the EXAM-room with their own electric access keys on weekdays at 8.00–17.00. Students do not have access to other facilities for the time being.

Opening of the library and the partial use of study facilities starting on Monday, June 1, 2020

SeAMK Library will be opened to customers on Monday, June 1, 2020. Students can also use Tapio-Sali for studying during the library’s opening hours. Meeting restrictions and safety distance must be maintained.

Studying is allowed in Frami F’s common areas (lobbies and meeting boxes) on weekdays at 8.00–16.00. Students can access Frami F via the main door with their own electric access keys on weekdays at 8.00–16.00. Meeting restrictions and safety distance must be maintained.

The usage of school computers in Frami F’s self-study room F307 is allowed on weekdays at 8.00–16.00. To ensure safety distance, there are only 10 computers in use in the room. Disinfectant wipes are made available in the same way as in the EXAM-rooms. There are instructions available in the room for cleaning the keyboard and mouse with a disinfectant wipe before and after use (computer must be locked). In addition, cleaning services clean the keyboards, mice and other surfaces twice a day.

Please remember that you are not allowed to come to campus if you have flu symptoms or you are ill. Good hand hygiene and guidelines for sneezing and coughing must be maintained. Link to THL’s instructions.

Entrance examination week on Monday June 22 to Friday June 26

During the entrance examination week, the campus doors will be closed to students on June 22–25, 2020.

However, on Friday, June 26, 2020, the library will be normally open. On entrance examination days, the library only serves online.

Both EXAM-rooms are closed from June 22 to August 3, 2020 for maintenance, computer changes, and summer vacations.

From Monday, June 29, 2020, Kampustalo and SeAMK library will be closed for the summer

The library is closed for the summer holidays from June 29 to August 2, 2020.

The outdoors of all SeAMK buildings will be closed to students during the summer holidays.

Library open and facilities available for students after summer from Monday, August 3, 2020 onwards

The library will be opened again after the summer holidays on Monday, August 3, 2020.

Tapio-sali in Kampustalo and the common areas in Frami F are open to students on weekdays at 8.00–18.00 (Kampustalo’s C0-door and Frami F’s main door).

Both EXAM-rooms will be opened according to a later specified plan.

Also, Frami F’s gym is opened to students.

Changes are possible if the situation requires it.

Back to a normal everyday life on Monday, August 10, 2020

SeAMK aims at being back at as normal as possible everyday life on Monday, August 10, 20020.

As far as possible, students’ access rights will be restored to normal, provided that the coronavirus situation allows it.

Changes are possible if the situation requires it.

2. International mobility: SeAMK does not send or receive exchange students during summer and autumn 2020

SeAMK’s Security Management team outlined the international mobility policies on May 19, 2020. In accordance with the recommendation of Arene’s Committee on International Affairs, SeAMK will not send or receive exchange students during the summer and autumn of 2020.

Where possible, SeAMK strives to offer virtual studies to international exchange students. Students who plan to leave for an exchange during the summer and autumn are asked to contact their degree programme and the international mobility team.


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