Bachelor of Health Care, Physiotherapy


Physiotherapist is a promoter of well-being, health, and functional capacity working for the benefit of individuals and groups. You will learn to work as a physiotherapist for people of all ages and abilities. The themes you study are not only theoretical but also allow you to solve issues in practical work. At SeAMK, you don’t just learn things alone in lectures, but you get to do things together with other students. Your studies include group work, lectures of professionals, project work, online studies and practical training.

At SeAMK high-quality teaching facilities and an inspiring campus provide an environment where you have the opportunity to develop your skills and network with other students and professionals.

The best university for our students

The success of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) as a university valued by students continues in the 2023 results of the nationwide graduation feedback survey (AVOP), where SeAMK ranked second. This adds to an impressive streak over the past five years, during which SeAMK has secured three consecutive first-place positions and one third-place ranking. According to the graduates of both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, SeAMK has the best learning environments and working life connections in Finland. In teaching, studying, study satisfaction, study support services, and feedback and evaluation, SeAMK ranked second. The ranking in the top three also came in career counselling and thesis. In this nationwide survey, students evaluate and give feedback on completed studies. (Source:

How to apply to SeAMK?

See the available degree studies and apply to SeAMK via Studyinfo website.