Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology


Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology degree programme at SeAMK is for those who want to combine engineering and entrepreneurship studies in a completely new way. The education is based on SeAMK’s nationally significant strengths: expertise in industrial internet and promoting entrepreneurship and growth.

Information and software technology expertise is now needed everywhere. More and more services are digitally produced using information systems. Information technology is also needed in industry, for example, in the control of production lines and machinery. Nowadays, more and more devices are connected to the internet, and the data obtained from these devices are analyzed in cloud services for business needs. With digitalization, the demand for information technology professionals is increasing, and there is currently a severe shortage, for example, of software designers.

The perspectives and needs of industrial companies are of great importance in the content of the education. In information technology and software industry positions, in addition to technical expertise, understanding customer needs and an entrepreneurial working approach are extremely significant. The new education provides excellent preparation to work both in existing industrial and software companies and as an entrepreneur in the software industry. The detailed planning and implementation of the education involve close collaboration with companies in the region.

The best university for our students

The success of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) as a university valued by students continues in the 2023 results of the nationwide graduation feedback survey (AVOP), where SeAMK ranked second. This adds to an impressive streak over the past five years, during which SeAMK has secured three consecutive first-place positions and one third-place ranking. According to the graduates of both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, SeAMK has the best learning environments and working life connections in Finland. In teaching, studying, study satisfaction, study support services, and feedback and evaluation, SeAMK ranked second. The ranking in the top three also came in career counselling and thesis. In this nationwide survey, students evaluate and give feedback on completed studies. (Source:

How to apply to SeAMK?

See the available degree studies and apply to SeAMK via Studyinfo website.