Accessibility at SEAMK
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences strives to offer its students the opportunity to study in accessible learning environments. Whenever possible, we try to take into account students’ different learning difficulties, illnesses, disabilities or mental health challenges, as well as different cultural backgrounds.
If you are applying to study at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and you need individual arrangements for the entrance examination, please contact our Admission Services during the application period. Individual arrangements for the entrance examination must always be applied by using a separate application form. Information on applying for individual arrangements for the electronic entrance examination can be obtained from the UAS – University of Applied Sciences website. Contact the Admission Services if you have any questions about applying for individual arrangements for the entrance exam. Contact information is: SEAMK Admission Services, admission(a), telephone number +358 (0)20 124 5501.
During the studies, the study counsellors of the degree programmes act as liaisons in accessibility matters. Contact a study counsellor for your degree programme. You can find the study counsellors for different degree programmes here.
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences has two special education teachers who help students and teachers with various learning issues. SEAMK also has its own study psychologist who supports and helps students and staff.
SEAMK strives to take digital accessibility forward. If you have any questions about accessibility at SEAMK, for example, the learning materials available, you can contact us by email at saavutettavuus(at)
Partner universities of SeAMK, if you are considering nominating a student for an exchange study period at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, who needs individual arrangements for the exchange study period, please contact our Coordinator of the Incoming Student Exchanges at incoming(at) for further advice.
Accessibility of facilities
SeAMK Campus in the Frami area is basically very accessible. Unfortunately, for the visually impaired, for example, the colour differences on the stairs may be insufficient. The exterior doors of the Frami A building do not have an automatic opening, so the doors are quite heavy.
Accessibility surveys are coming from Frami F building and Kampustalo. You can always ask your study cpinsellor for more information.
Disabled parking spaces can be found in front of Frami A building. There are also disabled parking spaces in front of Kampustalo.
If you have a mobility-related disability or other disability and are thinking of studying at SeAMK, you are welcome to visit our premises. Contact the study counsellor of the degree programme and arrange a visit. You can find the contact information of study counsellors here.
Digital accessibility at SEAMK
The digital accessibility means that as many people as possible can access online services as easily as possible. Accessibility takes into consideration people’s distinctiveness and diversity in the design and implementation of online services. Accessibility is technology, ease of use and content intelligibility. Accessibility benefits everyone.
As a public actor, SEAMK must comply with the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive and the Finnish Digital Services Act. SEAMK’s digital services and content comply with levels A and AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences takes digital accessibility into account in various online services and platforms, social media channels, digital materials and teaching, among other things. Most of our online services and social media channels largely meet Level A and AA requirements (WCAG). More detailed information on accessibility is provided in the accessibility statements of online services.
The implementation of the EU Accessibility Directive at SEAMK has been guided and supported by the Accessibility Team appointed by the DigiSEAMK Steering Group, whose term of office expired in August 2022. Thereafter, the promotion of digital accessibility at SEAMK is the responsibility of the Accessibility Officer Jarkko Meronen ( in cooperation with persons responsible for online services and content, as well as teachers.
Comprehensive accessibility guidelines have been prepared for the use of SEAMK’s staff, students and co-operation partners. The guidelines include the following:
- Creating accessible online content
- Making accessible documents
- Creating accessible digital materials (e.g. videos, images, podcasts, pdfs)
- Accessibility in teaching and teaching materials
- Creating an accessible Moodle course
- Considering accessibility in the procurement of digital services and content
SEAMK has also organised various accessibility trainings for online service administrators and online content producers, as well as for teachers, and all of them are supported in implementing accessibility.
Accessibility in teaching
The Act on the Provision of Digital Services is complied with in teaching duties when using digital services and content that are intended to serve students or non-university actors.
Guidance and training is available for teachers on how accessibility should be taken into account in teaching and teaching materials.
Certain public digital documents, such as theses, produced by students are covered by the Digital Services Act. Content produced by students, such as social media ambassadors, on SEAMK’s official online services and social media channels must also be accessible. Accessibility as a working life skill will be taken into account when planning study courses.
Taking accessibility into account when procuring digital services and content
When SEAMK acquires digital services (websites, mobile applications, etc.) or material in digital form (e.g. PDF documents, brochures, ads, posters, images, videos, audio files, etc.), accessibility requirements are taken into account. The digital service or material in digital form may be intended for general use by SEAMK’s students and staff, stakeholder representatives or citizens.
Accessibility must be considered in the:
- technical implementation of the online service and material
- visual appearance of the online service and material
- content of the online service and material
- competence of the service provider/ supplier
Accessibility requirements are already taken into account in the budgeting phase. This is especially important, for example, in SEAMK’s RDI projects.
Subcontractors and service providers must also take accessibility into account
Accessibility requirements must also be met by subcontractors and service providers, such as software providers, advertising and communications agencies, graphic designers and external lecturers, when they produce and maintain digital services, materials and content for SEAMK.