SeAMK's quality system

Quality policy

Quality policy pertains to setting the fundamental qualitative goals of quality management and to the primary instructions of quality work. The quality policy and strategy of SeAMK complement each other in the definition of the goals of quality work.

According to the quality policy, the objectives of quality work and quality management in SeAMK are:

  • High-quality teaching and RDI operations
  • Skilled professionals who easily find employment
  • Thriving and professional staff
  • Satisfied students, partners, customers and stakeholders
  • Supporting interaction between teaching and RDI operations
  • Financial efficiency and high-quality support services

Quality system

The framework of the quality system of SeAMK is the PDCA model, which can be characterised as a classical method of problem solution and circular learning. The model is widely used in the description of quality and development functions of organizations that are committed to ongoing improvement. In the model, the development work of an organization is described as a circle (Figure 1), which is divided into the constituent functions of planning (Plan), implementation (Do), monitoring (Check) and development (Act).

Figure 1. PDCA-model circle.

Quality audits

The quality system of SeAMK was successfully audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) in 2016 and 2022. In 2022 SeAMK received the FINEEC Quality Label for Excellence, which is awarded annually to one of the universities that has passed the audit.

The 2022 report is available here.

The audition is documented in the FINEEC audit register for higher education institutions.

The next quality audit of the FINEEC will take place in November 2027.

For more information about Finnish higher education quality audits, please visit the FINEEC website.

Further information about SeAMK's quality

Vuolio, Vesa

Quality Manager


