International SeAMK
Internationality and international cooperation are an integral part of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences’ strategy and teaching, research, development and innovation activities. Long-term experience in international cooperation and an extensive cooperation network offer both students and staff versatile international opportunities as part of studying or working at SeAMK.
International degree programmes, double degree cooperation, active student, teacher and staff mobility, programmes for exchange students, international research and development projects as well as international events are in the core of SeAMK’s international activities.
Learn more about international SeAMK via the links below!
International degree programmes and double degree collaboration
International mobility and internationalisation in studies
Work-life collaboration
This section on this page is currently empty, but content will be added soon.
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
International mobility
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
Sustainable Future: Insights from Global Entrepreneurship Week in Zwolle. Juppi, K. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Reciprocal inclusion
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
SeAMK through our eyes. Sharma, S., Prasain, A., Pandey, P., & Prisada, J. (2024) In S. Päällysaho, P. Junell, M. Salminen-Tuomaala, S. Uusimäki, & M. Karvonen (eds.), Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu – meidän
ammattikorkeakoulu (pp. 648–663). (Publications of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences A. Research reports 42).Strengthening Well-Being and Belonging at a Bilingual Campus Event. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
The both sides of the immigration, social inclusion and settlement ecosystems. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Six areas for development in the immigration, social inclusion and settlement ecosystems. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Ecosystem concepts in the context of immigration, social inclusion and settlement. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Life-story pedagogy for identity Through linguistic and cultural recognition to participation and equity. Kinossalo, M., Jousmäki, H., & Intke-Hernandez, M. (2022). Life-story pedagogy for identity: Through linguistic and cultural recognition to participation and equity. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 16(2), 99–119.
Multilingualism and Language Repertoires in Interaction. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
International Student in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences: Finnish Language Practice as part of SeAMK team. Kinossalo, M., Teixeira, A. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Internationalisation at home and internationalisation competence
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
Learning About Internationality and Cultural Encounters with a Young Student. Kinossalo, M. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Cultural and language awareness in Nursing Mentorship. Acharya, B. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
Understanding intercultural competence : from conceptual and curricular objects to competence actions of teachers and social workers working with migrant children. Jousmäki, H., Kinossalo, M. & Hautamäki, T. In Intercultural Competence at Work.
Research and development
This section on this page is currently empty, but content will be added soon.
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
Higher education collaboration
Articles in Finnish are available on the Finnish version of the website.
Meeting at a Crossroads – International Collaboration Between Finland and the US. Joshi, M., Cautillo, G. & Donnellan, J. @SeAMK verkkolehti.
International partners
International research and development
SeAMK's strategy and international higher education regulations
More information about SeAMK's internationality

Manager of International Education Services
Staff exchanges and agreements

Coordinator of International Education Services
Outgoing student exchanges

Coordinator of International Education Services
Incoming student exchanges

Expert, RDI Projects and Study Counsellor, Automation Engineering
Inclusion, integration, language aware practices