Natural Resources

Influence the well-being of people, animals and the environment!

By studying in SeAMK’s natural resource education field, you can develop food production and thereby influence the well-being of people, animals and the environment.

SeAMK’s uniqueness is the know-how of the entire food chain and close cooperation between the actors in the industry. An example of this is the Food Chain Operations and Responsibility courses, in which agriculture students can study together with food processing and biotechnology engineers and hospitality managers. In your agriculture studies, you will gain a holistic understanding of how the food chain works, that is, the journey of food from the field to the fork and the importance of agriculture as part of it.

If you are studying agriculture, you are at the beginning of the food chain. Your studies include crop production, livestock production and technology, but also business administration. In the future, you can see yourself as a rural developer or agricultural entrepreneur, why not even a bank manager.

Agrologists know the key tools for combating climate change: soil carbon sequestration and climate-wise cultivation methods, energy solutions and sustainable livestock production. 

Bachelor degree programmes

Master degree programmes

Short programmes

Check our other food-related degree programmes in English!

Research and development

Education field of Natural Resources provides research and development services and training for enterprises and other organisations. Companies can also exploit our students’ know-how by employing them as trainees and writers of Final Theses.

Stories of Natural Resources students

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