International Week 2021: Márta Sándor

Why did you take part in the programme of Virtual International Week of SeAMK?

The topic SeAMK has chosen for its Virtual International Week “Sustainability and Digitalization in Erasmus+ 2021-2027” is currently of great interest for all working on responsible internationalization of their institutions in compliance with the ECHE principles. As senior international officer of the University of Sopron, I considered it a great chance to “meet” colleagues at SeAMK again, learn from them and from the other participants.


What kind of thoughts/ ideas did you get from the presentations?

It has been a uniqe experience to learn about Circular Economy and Sensing Technology for Dementia Care Support and a great feeling to be part of a community that can make a difference.


In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of a virtual international week?

Some of the pros are that presenters from different countries can be invited, more people can participate and their ecological footprint is small when participating. The cons are that no real cultural experience can be realized and communication cannot be that fulfilling between those who don’t know and cannot see each other.


What would you like to say about the cooperation with SeAMK?

Seinäjoki has maintained a twin-city relationship with Sopron for over 30 years. SeAMK has been one of our most important and much valued partner institutions for over 10 years.  We started with cooperation in the field of Forestry and Wood Technology and went on with cooperation in the field of teaching Economics. We appreciate having a doule degree agreement in this subject field and hope for intensifying cooperation in the future.

Ms Márta Sándor, MA, MSc Ed

international relations representative
Vice-Rector’s Office for Research
and International Relations
University of Sopron